Yes, typically once a month Dr. Hazzah sees in-person appointments at the Animal Hospital of South Bay in Palos Verdes, CA
Animal Hospital of South Bay
28916 S. Western Avenue
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275.
Note that ALL appointments can only be booked directly from this website via eprogresstracker NOT with the Animal Hospital of South Bay
For all teleconference and phone sessions, your pet is not required to be with you. However, for in-person visits, it is required.
Contact Pam Rothstein at
Multiple publications have demonstrated improved absorption of cannabinoids when given with food. As cannabinoids are fat soluble, it is best to give these products along with meals or treats that contain some healthy fat such as nut butters, cheese, and fish oils, sardines, etc.
The exact number of doses required for your pet varies depending on several factors such as the specific condition that is being treated, comorbidities, current medications, goals, schedule, and more. Most oral cannabis products are administered twice daily but some cases can receive up to 4 doses a day.
Do extensive research on the company
Consider choosing a product that is made specifically for the condition your pet is suffering from. Not all “CBD products” work for every condition.
Is it the right format (treats, vs oil tincture, vs topical)
Consider joining the Veterinary Cannabis Society nonprofit organization. They have pet parent memberships that offer a large amount of educational material including a curated collection of podcasts videos and written material. VCS also offers updates on veterinary cannabis legislation and monthly newsletters.
If you have any questions click here to contact us
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